Sunday, 29 April 2007

Rain at last

This morning I awoke to the wonderful sound of rain. We haven't had rain for several weeks now and the garden and lawn is looking like a it wouldn't last much longer without some moisture.

I knew it was going to rain because when I went to bed last night the frogs were singing their rain song. They are the most reliable weather forecasters, better than any human or mechanical device!

Today I have added some more links to my blog. If you click on the links to the left of this message you will see that I have added links to my Prim Dolls blog, my Graphics blog and my Prim Doll Patterns blog, I seem to have been blogging all weekend!!

I have to spend this afternoon making items for my Chocolate Crow pages for May. At this stage I really don't know what I am making but I'm sure something will come to mind once I sit down to look at my patterns.

This Melodie, my latest doll. She is a Prim & Proper Folks design. I think I might have to keep this doll for myself, I don't think I can part with her.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Today is ANZAC Day which is traditionally the day that we have our first fire for the season but today has been such a beautiful day that I don't think we will be sticking to tradition. The weather has been unseasonably warm for April, another sign of global warming me thinks!
Today I finished another doll, this one is a Prim & Proper Folks design called Melody, she is not my usual style of doll but I have had great fun making her. I'm not sure if I will sell her on my website or just keep her for myself.
It has been lovely having a public holiday on a Wednesday, it will make my working week go much faster and the weekend come much quicker so I can get back to my sewing. I have a Golliwog to make for a swap so the creative thoughts are starting to flow about the style of Golliwog I will make my partner.

This is a collage I made of mad of my sons and their partners and my beautiful Grand Daughter Ivy.
The afternoon has finished badly for me. My beloved Bombers have been defeated by the Magpies!!

Sunday, 22 April 2007

First entry

I am taking time to write this entry while the washing machine is churning away.
This is the very first time I have ever written in a journal!! I'm not really sure I have anything of interest to offer you but I am going to try to keep this blog as up to date as I can.
This is a photo of Dottie Jean and me.

It is Sunday afternoon and I have been at the computer most of the day so far and I guess I will be for the rest of the day off and on. I am slightly addicted to my PC, if you ask my husband he would disagree and say I am totally addicted!!

Let me tell you a few things about myself. I am married to my best friend and have been for a third of a century, but that doesn't make me OLD. I was 18 when I got married, so you could say that I was a child bride. I live in a rural setting 40 minutes from a city but if you looked at the view from the house you would think we were days from civilization. That is just how we like it, no neighbours or traffic to annoy us. We have lived here for nearly 20 years and won't move out until we are carried out. We both commute to work each day which is an effort but it is well worth the travelling when we come home to our little piece of paradise. We have 2 sons, ages 28 & 30, they both have long time partners. My youngest son has a daughter, named Ivy, who will turn 9 in September. Yes, your calculations are right, my son was 18 when his daughter was born, so I guess that makes him a child father!! My eldest son will be a Dad for the first time in early August, we are all looking forward to having a baby around us again and Ivy is very excited because she is going to be a cousin for the first time.

The washing machine has done its work so that must mean that I have to stop rambling and hang out the clothes.

Now that wasn't too difficult at all to write, I wonder how difficult it was for you to read.

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